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Elizabeth Academy - Garfield School

s a l t  l a k e  c i t y ,   u t a h

Built in 1921, Garfield School served as a local elementary school for decades in the Salt Lake community.  Throughout the life of the building, it has seen many changes in ownership, function, and added additions ( 1933, 1946, and 1960).

Shortly after the recession in 2008, the facility was abandoned and became a home for drug dealers, homeless, and vandals.  Then in 2012, the Elizabeth Academy, a local Montessori school, purchased the building in order to expand their growing program.  

Demolition and renovation began in late 2016 in two phases.  One of the key features of the renovation was to allow for more light in the classrooms and corridors, as well as maintaining the historical fabric.  Skylights and larger windows were added, both on the exterior facade and interior corridors, to allow for visual connectivity throughout building. 


A third future phase, to expand the school for upper grade levels, is still in the design process.  


Renovated floorplan







Corridor looking north

2017-12-06 EA Garfield School

Phase 1

Phase 2


Entrance looking out

Early Childhood Classroom

Front facade, pre-renovation

Front facade, post-renovation

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